Summer is just around the corner and the Wild Goose Players, The Rotary Club of Bellows Falls and local sponsors Mascoma Bank and M&T Bank have teamed up to create the first annual Bellows Falls Festival- “The BFF”.
Second Flannel Festival a Huge SuccessRotary participated in the Great Falls Regional Chamber of Commerce's Flannel Festival.
New Flooring for Our PlaceRotarians replaced aging carpet at Our Place with new flooring.
Thank You To All Contributors to 2021 Fundraising DriveThank you to all who are helping making our Rotary programs happen.
Rotary Supports Park's PlaceRotary members helped paint entry ramp and manned lemonade booth at Back to School event.
2020 Rotary Scholarships AwardedThe Rotary Club of Bellows Falls awarded $3500 worth of Scholarships to Bellows Falls Union High School graduates.
Covid-19 Sidelines BF RotaryDue to the Covid-19 virus we will suspend our weekly meetings until further notice.
Rotary Clubs in Vermont and New Hampshire Help Australian Bushfire Relief EffortWhile the Australian bushfires were being put out, Rotary clubs in Vermont and New Hampshire were gathering funds to help with the aftermath.
Rotary Welcomes Trevor McCantsTrevor McCants from No. Walpole, NH was inducted into the Rotary Club of Bellows Falls on August 22nd.
2019 Scholarships AwardedThe Rotary Club of Bellows Falls awarded $3500 in scholarships to four Bellows Falls Union High School graduating seniors at class night ceremonies on June 12, 2019.
Second Pumpkin Run Doubles in SizeTwenty-two athletes completed the second running of the Bellows Falls Pumpkin Run on Sunday, October 7, 2018 on a course that traversed the roads, trails and fields around Saxtons River. |
2018 Penny Sale a Success![]() A enthusiastic crowd showed up for the Bellows Falls Rotary's Penny Sale at Bellows Falls Union High School.
Bellows Falls Community ChristmasThe Rotary Club of Bellows Falls teams up with the Women's Club and Emblem Club to present Dispicable Me 3 at the Bellows Falls Opera House for the Community Christmas/
Visioning Process Kicks OffClub kicks off process of coming up with a club vision.
First Pumpkin Run Goes Off Without a HitchKurt Hackler, Danielle Corti and Deputy Dawgs lead the way at the first BF Rotary Pumpkin Run
BF Rotary Welcomes Kate AldrichBellows Falls Rotary welcomes new member Kate Aldrich.
Changing of the Gavel 2017Rick Govotsky took over as Club President during the June 29th club meeting.
2017 Penny Sale Wrap UpPenny Sale winners announced. |
Holiday Party PlannedBF Rotary Holiday Party, Thursday, January 12, Saxtons River Inn.
Bellows Falls Community Christmas
Steve Fortier Speaks at Rotary MeetingSteve Fortier from Meeting Waters YMCA was our guest speaker on July 28.
2016 Paddle BattleThe date for the 2016 Paddle Battle has been set for Sunday, September 25. Check out the event page for more information.
PB&J for Tour de CureRotary members stocked and manned the rest stop in Rockingham for day 6 of the Tour de Cure bike ride.
They Did It!!! Job Well Done Ed and KeithRotarians Keith Clark and Ed Dinnany complete their hike of the John Muir Trail
Happy New Year Everyone!Here's to 2015
It’s 2015, it’s time to review
What we have done, now what will we do?
Last year we built fences and wheelchair ramps,
Scholarships were given and shelter meals prepared.
We sponsored a movie for the children and laughter was shared.
We met weekly for breakfast and enjoyed many talks
And sang out of tune when it reached 8:40 on the clock!
This year we have decided to sponsor a teen,
RYE gives students a new world to be seen.
In turn we will welcome a Youth Exchange girl or boy,
To share our lives, our country, our love and joy.
International projects to be worked into our agendas,
Appreciation dinner for those who support us.
So much to do, so much to look forward to.
In 2015 lets work on our numbers.
All that we have, all that we know,
New members are certain to help us grow.
Let’s remember those who have moved on and those who have passed,
Their gifts, the memories, are sure to last.
Let’s follow their desire to do great things.
It’s 2015,
Bellows Falls Rotary Club has a lot to bring!
Happy New Year Everyone!
A little silliness to bring to the new year!
Theresa Perry, an R.N. at Baystate Medical, a long time resident of Rockingham/Bellows Falls.
October 23rd MeetingCongratulations Keith Clark for receiving your second Paul Harris!
I had the honor of presenting (my husband), Keith Clark
We all thank you for your dedication and commitment to our club.
No MEETING at Kurn Hattin on October 16thREMINDER!!!! NO MEETING ON THURSDAY, OCTOBER 16, 2014.
Hello fellow Rotarians,
Just reminding you all that we are not meeting Thursday but are meeting Saturday, October 18th at 9:00 a.m. at the Warming Shelter in N. Walpole, NH. Go over the bridge from Bellows Falls into North Walpole, straight through the lights and it is the first building on the right. We will be cleaning and prepping the warming shelter for the winter months to come. We will then leave the shelter to head over to Parks Place for the plaque/dedication/recognition of the ramp that we put up in the chilly spring and a pizza lunch.
We look forward to a great turn out of participating Rotarians.
LOBSTER DO![]() It's the LOBSTER DO!!!! Fellow Rotarians, if you would like to attend, please RSVP, to Rita, no later than September 4th!
SEPTEMBER 13, 2014
4:00 p.m. Cocktails (BYOB)
5:00 p.m. Dinner
Cheese & Crackers
Shrimp & Cocktail Sauce
Choice of Lobster, Steak, or Chicken
Potato Salad
Macaroni Salad
Corn on the cob
Strawberry Shortcake
Lemonade & Iced Tea (or your BYOB)
$30.00 per person
Westminster Fire House 103 Grout Avenue, Westminster, VT
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Tour de Cure 2014Today, after our regular meeting, many Rotarians stayed to make peanut butter and jelly sandwiches. The bicycle ride New England Tour de Cure comes through Bellows Falls, stopping at The Vermont Country Store for a rest and nutrition (and to shop)! Tour de Cure is a 150 or a 550 mile bicycle ride for Diabetes Awareness. There are riders from all over the country riding. There are riders with some lovely British accents, etc. Riders have a choice to do a two day versus a seven day ride to help raise awareness and make a difference in the fight to stop Diabetes. There are riders who have family members or friends who are affected by the disease. Then there are the Red Riders. These are individuals who have Type 1 and Type 2 Diabetes helping to support everyone with diabetes and do not let the disease take control of their lives. They are true heroes.
These amazing riders request PB & J sandwiches for their stop in Bellows Falls/Rockingham. Bellows Falls Rotary Club has answered that request for the past five years. Rotarians offered delicious homemade blueberry jam, homemade peach jam and homemade strawberry rhubarb jam. Panera Bread in Keene, NH donated ALL of the bread! Thank you Panera!
Rotarians Ginger Cook and Bonnie Clark along with Rotarian Hugh Haggarty's lovely wife Betty spent time with the riders and staff/volunteers of the Tour de Cure up at The Vermont Country Store.
Thank you to all of our sandwich makers ~ Maria, Ginger, Bonnie, Missy, Eric, Theresa, and Ryan. Thank you Doreen for picking up the bread at Panera! Thank you Rotarians for the donations of peanut butter and jelly.
Classification TalksToday our two newest members gave classification talks. What fun stories. We are so happy to have Missy Wilkins and Maria Millikin as our newest members. They are amazing women and a great addition to the club.
Bellows Falls Rotary Club Scholarship RecipientsToday, July 10th, the Bellows Falls Rotary Club President, Keith Clark along with fellow Rotarians in Rotary District 7870 and Rotary District Governor, Dr. Richard Berryman presented three Bellows Falls Union High School Seniors with their scholarships. The three scholarship recipients, chosen by the Bellows Falls Rotary Club Scholarship Committee, were each presented with $2000 scholarships. Miss Emily Dufault will be pursuing her education in nursing at Husson University in Bangor, Maine, Miss Chapin Reis will be pursuing her education in Hospitality at Endicott College in Beverly, Massachusetts and Miss Kaitlyn Burns will be pursuing her education in Psychology & Sociology at Community College of Vermont.
Not pictured, is our $500.00 cash award & Rotary Medal winner, Taylor Pinsonault. Taylor was chosen by the faculty at Bellows Falls Union High School in recognition of her dedication and commitment to her education.
We wish these young ladies the best of luck and hope that they may someday become future leaders in our world and Rotary clubs.
Pictured: Bellows Falls Rotary Club President, Keith Clark, Miss Emily DuFault, Miss Chapin Reis, Miss Kaitlyn Burns and Rotary District Governor, Dr. Richard Berryman.
District Governor Richard BerrymanWe had a wonderful visit from District Governor Rich Berryman. We are excited to experience this year with him. It was also great being about to visit a little with his wonderfully supportive wife Connie.
We had a fun filled meeting and a few visitors. More on that in a moment!
Dinner Wednesday, July 9th with DG Richard BerrymanA Reminder!!
Dinner Wednesday, July 9th at Saxtons River Inn @ 6:30 p.m. with our District Governor Richard Berryman.
It would be nice to have a great show of members for great food and even more wonderful conversation.
I have a lot of RSVPs but have not heard from some.
If you decide you are going to come, please send me an email @ so I can update the Inn.
Back to Normal tomorrow!!Our June 12th meeting is back to normal. We are back at Kurn Hattin for club assembly this week.
May 1st Speaker ~ Vermont Performance LabThursday ~ May 1st speaker ~ Vermont Performance Lab presents Action Conversations Bellows Falls 7:30 a.m. Kurn Hattin School. If anyone is interested in attending,please ask a Rotarian you may know. |
CHAD SIMMONS SPEAKER FOR APRIL 17TH@ VERMONT ACADEMYChad Simmons is our speaker at Vermont Academy on April 17th.
Chad will be speaking to both the Bellows Falls Rotary Club and Chester Rotary Club about Greater Falls Connection.
Greater Falls Connections is a small, dynamic community group based out of Bellows Falls and serves Windham Northeast. Their vision is to build a healthy, nurturing and supportive community. Their mission is to connect the community of Windham Northeast by inspiring and empowering people through education and collaboration to promote wellness and prevent the abuse of alcohol, tobacco and other drugs.
Chad Simmons is their Media Coordinator, leading community prevention efforts through social and traditional media. GFC uses media as a way to engage citizens and encourage active participation in building strong community and preventing the use and abuse of alcohol, tobacco and other drugs. Chad's background is in business management, sustainability and activism.
Our Guest Speaker & Fellow Rotarian Executive Director Kurn Hattin School~Tom FahnerHow lucky we are to have such a wonderful member in our Rotary Club. No matter who you ask or where you are, there are only kind words spoken of our guest speaker ~ Executive Director of Kurn Hattin School ~ Tom Fahner!
Tom told us of Kurn Hattin School collaborating with Westminster Center School to give the children in our community an opportunity to learn what Kurn Hattin School has to offer. Our children in our community are able to share in their education with children at Kurn Hattin School, meeting fellow students from all over our country; getting to know kids from a whole new "world" and giving all of the kids a chance to broaden their minds in acceptance of all children, no matter where they are from.
Tom spoke of the day program and the residential program. Kurn Hattin School is an available choice for schools in Grafton, Putney, Westminster, Bellows Falls, etc.
A Great Meeting & A Special VisitorIt is always exciting when a great deal of our club members are able to make the meetings. Then to have two VERY SPECIAL visitors makes it even greater.
Youth Services RepresentativesNanci Leitch ~ Development/Communications Director
Kristy Smith ~ Director of Mentoring
Michelle Sacco ~ Bellows Falls Case Manager
Our Guest Speaker Bill MosleyBill Mosley was our guest speaker at our alternate meeting place, Vermont Academy, where Mr. Mosley is an Alumn! He shared with us his enthusiasm and love for Vermont's history. He explores all nooks and crannies and historical societies to learn as much about Vermont as he can take in and then graciously share. Mr. Mosley puts so much excitement into his presentations; it makes you want to hop in your car and visit the sites he has seen!
Thank you Mr. Mosley.
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Change of Venue for 10/24/13 meetingReminder,
TOPIC: "Windham County Placemaking & Cultual Initiative"
Dinner with District Governor David HoopesTonight members of the Bellows Falls Rotary Club dined with our District Governor, David Hoopes at the Saxtons River Inn in Saxtons River. A great evening of conversation and delicious dining and fun with wonderful friends of Rotary.
5th Annual Connecticut River Paddle Battle |
Four Rotarians Make up Team RotarySaturday, September 21st four of our Rotarians created a team, "Team Rotary" for the Windham County Safe Place Child Advocacy Center fundraiser night golf tournament.
Windham County Safe Place Child Advocacy Center is a 501 (c)3 organization dedicated to helping victims of child abuse in Windham County.
![]() Great job and thank you for representing the Bellows Falls Rotary Club, Eric Anderson, Ed Dinnany, Keith Clark and Tom Miller!
Our Guest Speaker Larry KraftOur speaker today was Larry Kraft, of Springfield Hospital Development Council. Larry spoke to us about the history of Springfield Hospital and shared the excitement of Springfield Hospital's centennial birthday/anniversary. Happy 100th Birthday Springfield Hospital. As a fundraiser, Springfield Hospital put together this beautiful book with lovely illustrations and the history of its growth. There is a picture of an order form. If you want to order the form, you may be able to print the picture, fill out the form and mail it to Springfield Hospital to place your order. It is not available online yet. If you would like to read more about the centennial birthday/anniversary of Springfield Hospital check out their website at
District Governor David Hoopes will be here September 25/26thDistrict Governor David Hoopes will be here Wednesday evening, September 25th for our Board Meeting.
He will then attend and speak at our morning meeting on Thursday, September 26th. It would be great to have as many (OR ALL) members, as possible, present on Thursday the 26th of September. I am notifying you waaaaaaay ahead of time so you can plan.
July 25th Meeting LocationREMINDER
Next Thursday, July 25, 2013, meeting will be held at the Westminster Armory. The physical address is 23 Armory Lane, Westminster, VT. Coming from Bellows Falls, turn onto Westminster Heights Road. Take the left onto Sand Hill Road just before General Truck & Equipment. You will see the Armory just up about 1/10th of a mile on the left.
We will be eating breakfast with the cadets at Camp Leadership Challenge. You are welcome to stay for a little bit to talk with the campers and instructors.
Alyssa Todd ~ Windham County Safe PlaceAlyssa's spoke to our club on June 20th regarding Windham County Safe Place, a support service team comprised of local law enforcement agencies in Windham County, and DCF social workers with a goal to " improve the quality of child abuse and sexual assault investigations, and increase victim access to support through collaboration."
JUNE 20TH MEETING IS AT CHIVERS CENTER AT VADirections to the Chivers Center at Vermont Academy for any new members:
From Main Street, travelling from Bellows Falls, turn right onto Pleasant Street, going north, and take the second left onto Shepard's Road (Lane?). Proceed up the hill and when the road bends to the right and the baseball field comes into view, you will see Chivers Center up high on the left with parking in front of the building.
Thank you Alma for the directions.
Alyssa Todd is the Executive Director & Forensic Interview Specialist for Windham County Safe Place for Children.
In HONOR of the Bellows Falls High School Graduating ClassTemporary change to the Home page in honor of the successes of the Bellows Falls Union High School graduating seniors and the alumni, I have made the change to the color of the home page. It will be changed back soon.
Class Night at Bellows Falls High SchoolTonight was Class Night for Bellows Falls High School. Club President, Eric Anderson presented three $2000 scholarships and the $500 cash award and Bellows Falls Rotary Club Medal. I will update with names as soon as I have all of them.
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June 20th Meeting will not be at Kurn HattinJune 20th Meeting will not be at Kurn Hattin. We will let you know when we have meeting place confirmed.
Our "Surprise" Guest Speaker for June 6th! Felipe BonsensoWhat a wonderful way to start our day! We had a great visit with our guest speaker, Felipe. Felipe was our exchange student in 2007. Felipe expressed the great experience Rotary Youth Exchange was for him. He went on to tell us about his life since being our exchange student for a school year. Felipe is now an attorney practicing aviation law!! This is is second visit back to the States since his exchange, not just as a visitor this time but also on business.
Later in the evening we had dinner with Felipe at MacLaomainn's in Chester!
Surprise Speaker for June 6thGinger Cook is responsible for our guest speaker for June 6th! Wow, she definitely will NOT disappoint with this surprise speaker!!! You will be so delighted! Please make every effort to attend our June 6th meeting!!!
Presenting Kurn Hattin Students with Reading & Writing AidsOn Thursday May, 09th, Club President Eric, President Elect Mary E. Habig, past President Ginger Dawkins Cook, William H Barbarow and I (Bonnie) presented 30 children from Kurn Hattin School with thesauruses and dictionaries. These children were quite excited and very appreciative.
Photos from the Penny Sale 05/04/13Today, we would like to take the time to thank all of the great contributors to our Annual Penny Sale. Rotarian Raynie Laware also needs to be thanked. She puts in an incredible amount of time to make this fundraiser a huge success. Hugh Haggarty is her "partner in crime" in this fundraiser, coordinating the cash raffle ticket sales. Kudos to all of the Rotarians who provide a wonderful night of fun for our community.
Special thanks to Bellows Falls Fire Department for hanging our banner in the square. Penguin Mart and Shaw's for allowing us to sell raffle tickets in front of their businesses. Cota & Cota for the printing of the programs. Thank you to Salmon & Nostrand Attorneys at Law, Dibernardo Associates, Dr. John Leppman-Greater Falls Medical Group, Jancewicz & Son and Pieciak & Company, P.C. for cash donations.
And for all of the great prizes: Staples, Ruggles & Hunt, Vermont Country Store, Walgreens, Cota & Cota, Rockingham Dental Center, MacLaomainn's Scottish Pub, Bazin Bros., Hennessey Electric, Harlow Farm, Westminster Auto, Vermont Signature Sauces, Penguin Mart, Cornerstone Pediatrics, Greater Rockingham Services, Yvonne Boyd, Rockingham Animal Care, Brattleboro Ford Subaru, HB Energy Solutions, Greater Rock Fitness, Route 5 Shell, MOSS Answering Service, Archer Mayor, D&R & Sons Auto Repair, L.A. Burdick, Burtco, Curves, Edward Jones, Caitlin Burch Glassworks, Simone's Styling Salon, Real Twist, Corinne Fine Tailoring, John T's Appliance Repair, Subway, Rita Hinds, Fit Body Bootcamp, Jim's Arcade, Alyson's Orchard , Westminster Animal Hospital, Pizza Palace, Spaulding & Madden Tax Services, Dairy Joy, Okemo Mountain, J&H Hardware, Bellows Falls Opera House, Connecticut River Transit (The Current), Connecticut River Bank, PK's Pub, Irving Oil, Sanel Auto Parts, Clark Mortenson Insurance, Real to Reel, Savings Bank of Walpole, Lisai's Corner Deli, Jennifer Washburn Photography, The Home Depot, Lisai's Market, Father's Restaurant, Community Feed Store, Walpole Vet Hospital,Greater Falls Chamber of Commerce, Jada's Restaurant, Sherwin Art Glass, Lawrence & Lober Electric, Jake's Walpole Market, Bellows Falls Country Club, Murray's Restaurant, 5 Star Beverage, Woodzels by Wetzels, Village Square Bookseller, Aubuchon Hardware, Greater Falls Travel, Morning Star Pernennials, Westminster Circle K, Costume Ladies, China Garden, Newton Business, Pinnacleview Equipment, Kasper & Associates, Sojourn's, Cheever Tire, LeStudio Gymnastics & Dance, Walpole Village Salon, Dellamano Glass, Saxtons River Inn, JD McCliment's Pub, Leader Beverage, Leslie's Restaurant, Thyme to Cook, Green Mountain Specialties, Bellows Falls Police Department, Ed Dinnany , The Richards Group Insurance, Mike Cook, Boccaccio's, The Final Cut, Sackett's Brook Sugarmakers, Cooperman Fife & Drum, Co. Dr. Vernon Temple, Hooper Golf Club, Smokin' Bowls, Joy Wah, Jiffy Mart, Basketville, Greater Falls Dentistry, Kurn Hattin Homes, Moore Law, Homestead Farms, Doreen Aldrich, Stefan Golec, H & R Block, Dr. David Heydenreich, Famous Pizza, General Truck & Equipment, Walker Farm, Rock & Hammer, River Valley Credit Union, BDR, Vermont Festivals, Rockingham Sunoco Exit 6, Emerson's Power Sports, Michael Cook, R.A.M.P., Halladay's Flowers & Harvest Barn, Achille Agway, Popolo, Dr. Timothy Johnson,Cumberland Farms, The "Oh" Zone, Hodgkins & Sons, J&W Auto Repair, Mountainside Tattoo, Elizabeth Harlow, Atty. J. Eric Anderson, Robert Kimball, CPA, Mr. G's, J & B Glass, Vermont Academy, Aumands, Steve Durand -Durand Ford Toyota and Allen Bros.
My apologies...having a hard time uploading my images....will try to fix and post soon. |
Today's Speaker ~ Scott Tabachnick - Principal, Kurn Hattin School
Today's speaker was Kurn Hattin School's principal Scott Tabachnick. The Bellows Falls Rotary Club meets weekly at Kurn Hattin and see a little bit of the structured routines that these children experience day to day at their home away from home. We have often wondered how the program is structured. Mr. Tabachnick gave us the ins and outs of the amazing education, guidance and love their students receive every day. Thank you Scotty!
Christine Bullard our Newest Member Inducted 04/18/2013Thank you Keith Clark for bringing in our newest member, Christine Bullard! |
December 13th MeetingSubstitute location for our Thursday 12/13/12 meeting was at The Dish on Main. Nice and cozy! Great meeting! |
Press Release from PDG Janice McElroyPRESS RELEASE FOR AUGUST 28, 2012
On Irene Anniversary, VT Rotary Districts Award SEVCA Grant for Long-term Recovery |
Bellows Falls Rotary Club joins Chester Rotary ClubJoining together to enjoy breakfast and a wonderful presentation by Steve Puderbaugh and his lovely wife Debra. |
District 7870 Rotary Conference June 1-3, 2012 |
Penny Sale 2012 |
Rotary Polio Plus Challenge from PDG Alley Boucher |
Thought for the Week - Who Said It? |
District Conference June 1-3, 2012 Portland, MaineRotary District 7870 District Conference is scheduled for June 1-3, 2012 at Portland Mariott at Sable Oaks. For those of you have attended the conferences in the past, we would be very pleased to see you attend another. For our new members and established members who have never attended a district conference, You do NOT know what you are missing. We have the pleasure of meeting the other Rotary Exchange Students who are sponsored by other clubs in our district. These students are amazing young men and women who have adapted so well to our culture and are coming to their final leg of their stay with us. You will hear stories from our very own Exchange Student, Trisna Damayante and her friends tell of their experiences while staying with their host familes and what their new families and friends and their exchange experience have come to mean to them. You visit with new and well established club members from all around our district. We have an optional black tie evening, enjoying the beautiful attire of all members attending. There are wonderful presentations, speeches and displays. There is some "free" time to go shopping or to play a game of golf. Keith is eager to get a team together to beat Past District Governor Chris Parkinson's team. They have won a number of years in a row!! We would love to see a great contingent of members sign up to give our club a great representation of the wonderful members that we have. The following link will get you to the registration for the District Conference. Please do not hesitate. You will have a blast!
A Part of Why we are Rotarians!Fellow Club Members, Not sure if you heard the news today or not. Today marks the one year point since the last case of polio was diagnosed in India. The fight will continue Keith Clark Rotary Club of Bellows Falls |
District Newsletters![]() To find out what is happening in Rotary and the District be sure to read the attached newsletter. Saturday, November 5th is the Polio Awareness Night fundraiser at the Monarchs hockey game and November 8th and 10th are the Foundation Dinners in Nashua and Ludlow-Okemo, respectively. More information is included.
Thank you for visiting our site.We are working diligently to update our website. Please be patient while this transition is taking place. Once again, thank you for visiting our site. |
A Visit from Our District Governor Janice McElroy |
Happy Thanksgiving Everyone!Have a safe and happy Thanksgiving everyone. We will see you on the 29th.